jueves, 19 de junio de 2014


During the end of this exciting, as well as intensive term, we have made these wonderful stone age caves. The yellow cave belongs to 2B and the brown one has been made by 2A. As can be seen, there are lots of tools in the caves for the stone age people to hunt animals and different traditional cave paintings. There are also animal skins, but they are not in the photos... Sorry! 
Apart from the caves, the incredible children in Year 2 have created a very big castle with cardboard and recycling materials. We will take a photo of the castle and uploaded it onto the blog in a few days. 

Stone Age caves

2B's cave

Can you see the black sky? It has lots of stars!

We have a pond with fish in front of the cave and fire inside.

There are lots of tools! And even a wheel!

2A's cave

Look at the rocks, flowers and tools!

And these fantastic paintings...

And yes, we like our caves very much.

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